Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Dentistry today, seeks to increase the life span of the functioning dentition. With the increase in the life span of an individual, our responsibility as Dental Specialists increases proportionately. For this reason, full mouth rehabilitation of the neglected adult mouth is regarded as of most increasing importance; for it is only through this procedure that adult patients with dentitions in varying stages of degeneration can be restored to dental functioning and dental health.

Restoration of a physiologic bite in patients with severely worn dentition due to night grinding ( bruxism), acidulaonditions.
We Prosthodontists are ADA Recognized Dental Specialists that have expanded dental knowledge on tooth biology, function and aesthetics.
There can be severe loss of the vertical dimension of face due to chemical, mechanical and traumatic causes. (Erosion, Attrition, and Abrasion of teeth).This can give rise to both esthetic and functional problems for the patient. Full mouth Restorations with ALL CERAMIC, CAD-CAM, EMAX / ZIRCONIA Crowns, Mini crowns, Veneers to restore the loss bite , function and aesthetics, compromised with this debilitating condition is a very promising and successful treatment modality, ted drinks , acid reflux poses a challenging situation as every case is unique in itself.
Full Mouth rehabilitation seeks to convert all of these unfavorable forces on the teeth, which inevitably induce pathologic conditions, into favorable forces which permit normal function and therefore induce healthy
Full mouth rehabilitation cases cases involve not only replacement of the lost tooth structure but also restoring the lost vertical facial height dimensions due to a collapsed bite along with the fabulous aesthetic outcomes.


1.) Teeth that have been lost due to decay or trauma.
2.) Teeth that have been injured or fractured.
3.) Teeth that have worn due to tobacco and sopari chewing and bite collapse.
4.) Teeth that have become severely worn as a result of long-term acid erosion (foods, beverages, acid reflux) or tooth grinding.
5.) Ongoing complaints of jaw, muscle and headache pain requiring adjustments to the bite (occlusion).


1.) Porcelain fused to Base Metal crown/bridge is Rs. 7500 each
2.) Porcelain fused to metal crown (CAD-CAM designed) “Screw retained” costs Rs. 10,000 each.
3.) We also offer top end Zirconia metal free Crowns (Brands like Procera; Lava: ZirCAD) each of which costs about Rs. 15000.
) Zirconia metal free crown-Screw retained – (Procera from Nobel Biocare-Sweden)-each costing Rs. 20,000.


We prefer to do the Implants in 1st visit along with temporaries, which should be changed to permanent Porcelain teeth after 6 months time, hence we recommend a second visit to us after at least 6 months. But if the conditions are fine, we can do IMMEDIATE LOADING with Crowns during the same visit. Each visit should be for at least 7-14 days time.


The condition of your teeth will determine what restorative procedures may be needed, such as porcelain veneers or full-coverage crowns, inlays or onlays, bridges or implants restored with a crown. In particular, Dr Brijesh Patel MDS Uni First will make note of any cavities and decay, tooth wear, cracks, short/long teeth, root canal issues and any tooth movement.
Periodontal (gum) tissues:-
If your gums are not healthy, you will most likely need scaling and root planning to treat periodontal disease. You may require more intensive treatments to ensure that your newly reconstructed teeth will have a solid foundation.
Temporomandibular joints, jaw muscles and occlusion:-
A stable bite – one in which you are not in pain when you close your mouth or chew and one that does not cause wear or destruction of your teeth – is important to your overall oral health. Occlusal changes need to be taken into consideration.
The color, shape, size and proportion of your teeth, and how they appear in relation to your gums, lips, mouth, side profile and face, are also important factors in full mouth reconstruction treatment.

Who needs full mouth rehabilitation

There are a number of people who have dental problems throughout their mouths that must be treated comprehensively with a vision of a final result that improves both function and esthetics. These patients may exhibit multiple missing teeth, numerous teeth with large fillings that are failing or exhibiting decay, cracked or broken teeth, or badly worn teeth due to bruxism (teeth grinding) or other habits.
There is also a group of patients who were born with conditions such as Ectodermal Dysplasia, Ameliogenesis, or Dentinogenisis Imperfecta that will need extensive restoration of their teeth. These patients may be candidates for a full mouth reconstruction.

Treatment Options for a Full Reconstruction

In general, any dental treatment that affects all teeth in the mouth is called full mouth reconstruction or full mouth rehabilitation. Some treatment options for oral cancer may require the patient to undergo a unique type of full mouth reconstruction that not only involves the replacement of missing teeth, but potentially restoration of missing structures of the oral cavity.
The treatments can include onlays, crowns, bridges, veneers, dental implants, and/or dentures that will essentially provide not only a “smile makeover”, but improved chewing efficiency for the patient. In some patients, other specialties like orthodontics, OMFS or periodontists may also be employed to facilitate the best possible outcome.