If you require root canal therapy in Darwin, please contact Karama Family Dental Clinic for a Dentist consultation. Our caring and gentle Dentist will listen to your symptoms and answer any questions. Our dental team will examine your teeth, which may include taking x-rays to help plan a customized approach for your root canal treatment by revealing the number, size and curvature and depth of the roots. This will help to determine the complexity of your case.
Our dentists are trained to carry out endodontic treatment, which is supported by the ADA, so rest assured we can assist you with your root canal therapy. If you do require specialized Endodontic treatment, we have referred specialists that can treat you. *Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.


The most common symptoms of a serious problem in your teeth are sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures and pain or swelling in your gums. However, some patients never experience any obvious symptoms, which is why it is recommended for our patients to have regular dental check-ups every six months for our caring and gentle Dentists to provide quality dental services in a timely manner.
Infection or inflammation of the pulp can by caused by:
• repeated dental work to the tooth
• breakdown of a filling or crown
• a deep cavity trauma such as Sports Injury
• gum disease
• crack or chip in the tooth
• extreme wear
If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, contact dentist for a full accurate diagnosis:
• Chronic tooth sensitivity to hot or cold liquids.
• Sensitivity while eating sweets.
• Sensitivity to biting.
• Tooth discolouration
• Spontaneous toothache, experienced without obvious cause.
• Constant, severe or throbbing toothache.
• Tooth pain in response to atmospheric pressure changes, such as when flying.
• Swelling or soreness of the gums surrounding the tooth


Many people fear having a root canal treatment because it has a reputation for being very painful. Let us reassure you that the root canal treatment is now done with minimal discomfort thanks to advances in Nickel Titanium technology and rotary instruments and excellent dental services by our gentle Dentists.
Our Dentist will examine the tooth and take a radiograph (X-ray film)
• Local Anaesthetic is usually given to block the pain
• A Rubber dam sheet of latex is used to isolate the tooth to keep it clean and dry during treatment
• An opening is made down into the chamber of the tooth to reach the pulp or nerve with a dental drill
• Using special instruments called files, our dentist will remove the inflamed nerve or infected pulp.
• Each root canal is cleaned, enlarged and shaped for root filling.
• Anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial medications may be placed in the root canal to help stop the inflammation and infection.
• If a severe abscess has formed at the root tip, oral antibiotics may be prescribed to treat the infection.
• You may need to make several visits to complete the treatment.
• A temporary filling will protect the inside of the tooth between visits.